
Eric Weiner: “When it comes to PR, just enter Maxim Behar.”
“The world is changing. Social media is bringing people together and tearing them apart. It’s hard to know what to believe and who to trust, especially when it comes to the letters ‘PR.’ Enter Maxim Behar. He cuts through the noise and locks in on the signal. He helps us navigate the changes afoot and reminds us that some things—dignity, integrity—remain constant. Best of all, he delivers his message with a light touch that makes The Global PR Revolution a pleasure to read.” — Eric Weiner, New York Times bestselling author of The Geography of Bliss

Paul Holmes: “An excellent guide.”
“The pace of change in public relations has never been faster. More important, it will never be this slow again. Understanding the forces driving disruption in our business has never been more critical, and Maxim Behar—who has pioneered these forces in many places in the world as a great professional and also as ICCO President—is an excellent guide.” — Paul Holmes, founder and chair, The Holmes Report

Francis Ingham: “The book is unparalleled tour d'horizon of PR today and in the years to come.”
“Maxim Behar is one of the most esteemed and famous PR experts of the modern era, and this book is bound to become an indispensable classic for anyone working in or engaging with the PR industry. PR has never been more powerful, but that power needs to be tempered by a constant emphasis on ethical professionalism, and by an awareness of our impact on others. The Global PR Revolution is an unparalleled tour d’horizon of PR today and in the years to come.” — Francis Ingham, PRCA Director General & ICCO Chief Executive
PR is everything and everywhere. Now more than ever, managing social media is a nuanced and dynamic field that requires the sophisticated touch of a trained professional. What was effective ten or even five years ago is no longer relevant. In The Global PR Revolution, the public relations expert Maxim Behar shows readers how to master current approaches, create content that meets a client’s needs, and evolve with ever-changing trends. Enriched with insights from 100 PR leaders worldwide, this authoritative guide discusses topics such as:
The New Rules of Social Media
How to Speak the Language of PR
Modern PR Skills and Tools
How to Measure Impact
The Effect of Total Transparency on Businesses
International Perspectives on the Media
The Future of the Industry
Behar’s knowledge, experience, and down-to-earth writing style will keep readers engrossed while refining their understanding of public relations. By the time they finish, they’ll be well on their way to becoming experts in the field.